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Fishing Report - 3/31/22

Andrew O'Neill

Fishing season is upon us in the Laramie and North Platte valleys! Bouts of warm weather in the recent weeks have opened up the rivers at lower elevations, and created many fishable portions of the Plains Lakes. While most of the Plains Lakes remain at least partially iced over, I would expect most of the lakes to be nearly 100% open by this time next week. The Upper North Platte through Northgate Canyon and high-country tributaries remain frozen and mostly inaccessible at this time.

Our snowpack continues to hover in the 90-100% of average range, while the snowpack on the North Platte side of the Snowy Range has dropped below 90 percent. Some more precipitation is in the forecast for the west side of the mountains, so hopefully that number will creep back towards 100% in the next week or two. As of right now, expect flows and water conditions to be slightly below average by mid July to early August.

Upper North Platte

Flows: N/A

Conditions: The North Platte remains frozen in the stretches through Northgate Canyon, however the Platte through the town of Saratoga is open and fishing fair. Check out Treasure Island access area south of the town of Saratoga, and Foote and Pick Bridge access areas north of town for fishable water. Streamers fished slow and deep and nymph rigs fished in slower and deeper pools are the recommended methods for the Platte at this time.


Streamers; Pine Squirrel, Dirty Hippy, Baby Gonga, Tequeely, Wedge Head Streamer, Double Dirty Hippy, Slumpbuster, Sculpzilla

Nymphs; Rubber Legs, 20 Incher, Copper John, Pheasant Tail, Zebra Midg

e, WD 40, Biot Emerger Midge

Laramie River

Flows: ~ 90 CFS

Conditions: The Laramie River is open and fishable through the city of Laramie and at Monolith Ranch Access. There may be some lingering ice upstream at both Jelm Access points, however both Jelm accesses should be accessible and the river should be free of ice by next week. Water temperatures are still cold, so the recommended methods are streamers and nymph rigs fished slowly, with a focus on deeper holding pools.


Streamers; Pine Squirrel, Dirty Hippy, Baby Gonga, Tequeely, Wedge Head Streamer, Double Dirty Hippy, Slumpbuster, Sculpzilla

Nymphs; Rubber Legs, 20 Incher, Copper John, Pheasant Tail, Hare's Ear, Zebra Midge, WD 40, Biot Emerger Midge

Tributary Streams

Flows: N/A

Conditions: FROZEN

Flies: N/A

Plains Lakes

Conditions: Most of the Plains Lakes are about 50% thawed at this point, and I would expect the lakes to be close to 100% free of ice by this time next week. Fishable areas on most lakes. Look for fish to start being aggressive as water and air temperatures rise.


Streamers; Hell Razor Craw, Tequeely, Pine Squirrel, GB Crystal Bugger

Nymphs; Zebra Midge, WD 40, Biot Midge Emerger

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